Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Fact #1
New generation have evolved to be monsters :o

Fact #2 
New generation are fully ignorant.

Fact #3 
Whatever the day is,  they still the same. (even EID, they care themselves)

Fact #4
Kids nowadays played gadgets like we don't have one.

Fact #5
Pity on this Gen :'( Truly symphathised...bhahaha

Fact #5
They'll never felt how real Eid should be like.

Fact #6
Technology sometimes kinda makin' world become worst!

Fact #7 
I can't stop gaming. @_@ Pity on me

Fact #8
I gonna bomb all these gadgets!!

Fact #9 
Why da kids?? huhh,, I can't look at them. They just don't get the feel, u know?

Fact #10
Scientists nowadays should think about the kids' future, :'(

Teachers & You

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